Disclosure Policy
Affiliate Disclosure
Retailer Depot Outdoors is an affiliate partner, which means when you click on links to various sites that we recommend in our posts and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to this site.
Our articles are for informational and entertainment purposes only. We are not professionals. Always seek out professionals for advice.
We have chosen to only recommend products in our articles that we use or have thoroughly researched. We earn a living as an affiliate partner, so our online credibility means everything to us.
Our visitor following is growing daily, and there are a lot of people who come here for product reviews. Therefore we take our responsibility as an affiliate partner very seriously.
Third-Party Sponsor Ads
Text and image ads that appear on our site are third party Google AdSense sponsor ads. We do not personally endorse the products and services advertised in these ads. These companies are not affiliated with Retailer Depot Outdoors.
All income is earned from affiliations and sponsor ads.
Contact Details
If you have questions regarding this disclosure policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be more than happy to clarify or provide additional details if necessary. This disclosure policy was last updated on 01/05/2022.